IMAGE ID: Winston and I walking a long road. That this long road is straight, clear and direct is a misrepresentation of what long roads tend to be. However, Onward!
Hello you, Adreanna here with this week’s dispatch of The Laundry — the final post of 2023!
Something that I look forward to at the end of every year are the round up lists that summarize the past 365 days.
Maybe it’s my appetite for a clear beginning and ending to things: the satisfaction of splitting infinity into a bite. In any case, I often aspire to be someone who keeps a detailed account of my year, so that I’m able to shake all the beans out of the jar at the end and reflect on the moments that shaped it. I’m a big believer that it’s important to honor endings, as the same flavor that seasons the ending is bound to also flavor the next beginning.
Except, here’s the catch: I am not that person. No matter how many years I’ve aspired to keep a detailed account for my December reflection, I just never do. I know that it’s something that I COULD do (like running a marathon…or running at all) if I put my mind to it. However, I don’t. And the truth is, maybe I never will.
So rather than sitting down to reflect on my year in review, here is a list of thoughts on Self Acceptance. Because as Wrap Up season comes to an end and Resolution season begins, I’m just going to practice letting myself off the hook.
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