Thank you for sharing on such a personal level. It is very painful to feel deep compassion for other beings and not be able to directly help. I've often felt that my meditation practice holds me through the ups and downs - and, like with you, it recharges me. I have also found inspiration and comfort in my favorite quote from Ram Dass:

"To some degree or other, we have surrendered into service and are willing to pay the price of compassion. But with it comes joy of a single, caring act. With it comes the honor of participating in a generous process in which one rises each day and does what one can. With it comes the simple, singular grace of being an instrument of Love, in whatever form, to whatever end."

May we all be peaceful, may we all be well...

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Love that quote. Thank you so much, Ann, for sharing it!

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Thank you, Lodro. As far as I am concerned, you are not "screaming into the void." I so look forward to your gentle voice, honest reflections, sense of humor and guidance every time you post an edition of THE LAUNDRY.

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Ah. That is very kind of you Victoria. Thank you for echoing that back so I don't feel so much like these words are sent out into nothingness!

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